Curitiba has an average of 116 rainy days per year. The rainy days are well distributed in every month but summer tends to have more. In total they get around 65-70 inches of rain each year. In the summer that rain tends to be accompanied by thunder and lightening.
These last 30 days have been super wet. It's even been raining when the sun is out. Good thing we have a lot of umbrellas (guarda-chuvas) on hand!
So...what's a fella' to do when it's raining cats and dogs?!
Well, if you're a kid, you can go to the mall and do this -
Or you can stay home and do this -
(This darn puzzle ended up only having 998 pieces!)
I know what you're thinking - These people need to get a LIFE. That may be true, but in our defense, Nathan and Kristy sent us a puzzle (quebra-cabeça) for Christmas and it just kind of opened up a Pandora's box. Anyway, we just keep buying them. This has got-to-stop!
In the "Who Knew" department, when Don was here on his first mission, there was a little pizza place that they would frequent on their way to and from the mission home. They would always get a slice of pizza and a vitamina. Well, we found that place last week!
They loved stopping there because pizza reminded them of home and vitaminas were as close to a shake as they could find. And they were just as good 50+ years later!